By Mufti Atiqur Rahman Azmi
Translated by Muhammad Abdul Khaliq Yusuf
Edited by IlmGate
Shaykh Zuhayr ibn Nāsir al-Nāsir resides in Madīna Munawwarah. He is a Ḥanafī and is inclined to taṣawwuf. Some of Shaykh Fazlur Rahman Azmi’s students went to Madīna Munawwarah to further their studies in ḥadīth with Shaykh Zuhayr and other scholars there. Shaykh Fazlur Rahman Azmi was introduced to Shaykh Zuhayr through his students.
When Shaykh Zuhayr learnt that Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Fazlur Rahman Azmi was visiting Madīna Munawwarah during ḥajj, he quickly made arrangements to meet him. Upon meeting, they were both delighted and talked for a while. Some of Shaykh Zuhayr’s students read the Risālat al-Awāʾil and received authorization (ijāzah) in ḥadīth from Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Fazlur Rahman Azmi. When this was done then Shaykh Zuhayr himself [requested] authorization. Shaykh al-Ḥadīth responded to Shaykh Zuhayr by suggesting that an exchange of ijāzahs would be more appropriate [1]. This is an indication of his humility and the respect he had for the shaykh.