By Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalwi Following is the translation of the first chapter of the famous book Fada’il Durūd Sharīf of Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Zakariyya Kandhalwi in which he demonstrates the immense virtue of sending salat (blessings) and salam (peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ as expressed in the Qur’an and Sunnah. #1 The most important and foremost virtue is the command and order of Allāh Himself. Allāh says in the Qur’ān: Verily, Allah and His angels confer blessings on the prophet: O you who believe! Confer blessings on him, and greet him with a goodly salutation. (Qur’ān 33:56) Allāh has ordained many different…
Explaining the Concept of “Istidrāj”