By Shah Waliullah al-Muhaddith al-Dahlawi Translated by Zameelur Rahman Shirk is to affirm the special attributes of Allah (Exalted is He) for [those] besides Him, like: (1) affirming absolute disposal (al-tasarruf al-mutlaq) in the cosmos (kawn) by an absolute will (al-iradah al-mutlaqah), which is expressed as “kun fayakun” (Be! And it is); (2) or affirming intrinsic knowledge (al-’ilm al-dhati) which has not been obtained through acquisition (iktisab) by means of the senses, rational proof, dreams (manam), inspiration (ilham) and their likes from [both] material and spiritual means; (3) or affirming [the act of] existentialising (ijad) the healing of a sick…
The Cosmic Significance of the Descent of ‘Isa (peace be upon him)