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Posts published in “Society”

This section includes articles on general social issues, contemporary topics, and da’wah.

Muslims in the West: Challenges and Opportunities – An Interview With Mawlana Khalil al-Rahman Sajjad al-Nu’mani al-Nadwi

[Mawlana Khalilul Rahman Sajjad Nu’mani Nadwi is from Lucknow, India and is a prolific scholar and thinker of Islam. He is the son of the distinguished Muslim scholar Mawlana Muhammad Manzur Nu’mani. He studied at the famous educational establishments of Dar al-‘Ulum Nadwat al-‘Ulama’ and Madinah University. He is a renowned mufassir of the Qur’an and travels widely for the purpose of da‘wah. Recently, he was invited to South Africa to visit the leading Islamic and educational establishments. Sulaiman Kazi from Batley, West Yorkshire joined him for a week and interviewed him in Cape Town on 20th October 2002. Below is a transcript of his advice for Muslims living in the West.]

Question: What advice would you give to Muslims in the West following the events of September 11, 2001?

Answer: Transforming challenges into opportunities is a Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him blessings and peace. All Islamic progress has been made when challenges have been transformed into opportunities.

One positive aspect of the global situation is that the whole world is now discussing Islam. People are more willing to understand Islam. This is therefore an ideal opportunity to promote and propagate Islam, which can be done by practical example through one’s behavior. At the same time try to dispel and allay fears and misconceptions about the religion.